December 14, 2022 3 min read

You’re taking the leap! You’ve finally decided to show your home or business a little love and invest in brand new flooring. Congratulations on making the place feel more like your own! Moreover, when you order from E Hardwoods, you can trust the product you’ll be receiving will last you for years, if not a lifetime in some cases. Go ahead, get excited!

That being said, excitement is no reason to be irresponsible. You very well know that everything from waterproof flooring to solid hardwood flooring warrants a significant monetary investment. Think your choice through and be sure that, aesthetically and functionally, your flooring will be the perfect fit.

Below, E Hardwoods poses a few questions every responsible homeowner should ask themselves before pressing the button to purchase with us.

It’s All About Doing Your Homework

Does your preferred flooring require any specific care, as is the case of hardwood flooring? Or can it potentially react to rubber, like vinyl flooring? In other words, how much do you know about the flooring you hope to invest in? Making a responsible flooring choice is all about researching the functionality, strengths, and shortcomings of each individual flooring type. There is no single perfect make of flooring for everyone, but there is indeed a perfect flooring for you. Doing research will help you find it! Our blogs can serve as a good starting point.

Besides doing your homework and asking our experts important questions about functionality, what else should you ask yourself about the flooring you have in mind?

1. How much wear and tear will the floor be put through?

One of the most important questions to ask is how much use the room gets. If you’re installing flooring in a kitchen or living room, you can expect many people to walk across it. The more people that will step on the floor and the more consistently it’s used, the more wear and tear you can expect. So, durable options like engineered hardwood or luxury vinyl may be best for higher-traffic areas.

Also, consider if there will be a lot of children and pets using the floor. If so, you’ll need to be more concerned about scratches and spills and prioritize utility over aesthetics.

2. How humid is the area?

You’ll also need to consider where you live and the overall climate. Places with higher humidity have different flooring concerns than places in a dry environment. So, if you do have a humid home or are installing flooring in a damp room, consider choices like vinyl or other water-resistant options.

3. Who will be inhabiting the room?

A living room might feel more comfortable in a muted aesthetic, unlike a child’s room where you have room to play with brighter colors. Your flooring choice should reflect the personality and aesthetic of the person(s) who will be using the room, and it should do that for years to come.

4. What do I want the color and design of my flooring to do?

Consider how you want the room to feel and the mood your furniture creates and choose your flooring color from there. Darker floors can make a room seem cozier, while lighter flooring can make that exact same room seem larger. Along with color, you’ll want to think about the overall design. If you want something that can go with many interior design styles, it’s best to go with a neutral look.

5. Can I afford a long-term investment?

Many floorings from E Hardwoods have a lifetime warranty. However, certain floorings, due to inherent compositional qualities, have the potential to last for far longer with proper maintenance. It’s important to consider not only the cost of the initial flooring but also the cost of future maintenance.

An option like hardwood flooring can last for a very long time. But, it does require upkeep and can be expensive. So, in that case, something like vinyl or laminate might be a better choice for you.

Still Don’t Know What Flooring is Right For You? E Hardwoods Can Help!

Picking the right flooring means considering everything from the look to function to durability. So, it’s essential to make an educated choice based on the needs of your home and family. But, it can still get overwhelming to narrow the options down. Luckily, the team at E Hardwoods & Flooring is ready to assist you.

Due to our massive online stock, we’re experts in all kinds of flooring. If you still don’t know what type would be right for your home or business, contact us today, and we’ll be happy to help.
