September 28, 2020 2 min read

Whether it’s a regularly scheduled cleaning or a deep sanitization, one thing is for certain: water alone won’t do the trick when it comes to gussying up your floors—in fact, in some cases, it can be downright detrimental! The smart home or business owner will adhere to a specialized formula of cleaning substances to destroy dirt, eradicate grime, and leave your home looking like new.


Here’s the catch, though: all floorings react differently to different cleaning products. As we stated earlier, even water can destroy the strongest of floorings over time, and harsh chemicals can act similarly. As a smart cleaner, you’ll need to learn about what kinds of products can—and can’t—be used on your individual floors. Trust us: your investments will thank you!

Find Out How to Keep Your Floors Safe While Cleaning

When it comes to products bought from a box store, a good rule of thumb to follow is this: if the product does not explicitly state it is safe for a given flooring type, assume that it isn’t. Though your buddy or the store associate might claim it works just fine, these products are made the way they are for a reason. At best, it probably will fail to clean a flooring it wasn’t made for; at worst, it can downright decimate it.


Here are some guidelines for specific flooring types.


  • Hardwood flooring |Don’t use bleach, and do your research on other products that claim to “sterilize.” They could contain damaging ingredients. For example, in the case of bleach, it could leave a patchy finish if used in a high enough quantity. A cleaner designated specifically for solid hardwood flooring should clean and sterilize just fine. Also, avoid steam-mopping, as hot water and hardwood don’t mix.
  • Vinyl Flooring |This flooring type is relatively hardy when it comes to cleaners (though you still should only use ones designated specifically for it). However, do avoid any cleaner that contains ammonia, as it can very well break down the floor.
  • Laminate flooring |Similar to solid prefinished hardwood flooring, laminate flooring does not tolerate water well. In addition, avoid abrasive materials when cleaning—in other words, put the steel wool away!

Contact E Hardwoods & Flooring for High-End Flooring of All Types

Did a cleaning mishap result in a need for replacement? We’re here to help. Take a look at our massive online stock of flooring here or contact us with any questions.
