October 28, 2019 2 min read

With the rise of e-commerce in the past few years, it’s become commonplace to buy almost everything online, from groceries to pottery to clothes—and, yes, even your own floors! Just look at E Hardwoods & Flooring; we’re your one-stop shop for everything from solid hardwood flooring to engineered hardwood flooring.


However, as commonplace as e-commerce has become, anxieties about it still remain. Many people prefer to stick to the “safer” convention of going to a big box store. Perhaps said people are simply unaware of the advantages that buying flooring online brings. E Hardwoods & Flooring, therefore, sheds some light on the subject below.

E-Commerce: Safe, Convenient, and Stress-Free

Box stores and other flooring vendors are conventional, sure, but they’re inconvenient and stressful. You’ll sometimes be stuck transporting the flooring yourself; if you own a small commuter car, this can mean multiple trips. Moreover, salespeople can be pushy, and they often have ulterior motives, as their primary goal is to make money.


E Hardwoods & Flooring, where you can buy engineered hardwood flooring online, handily eliminates all these stressors. How?


  • We get rid of the middleman. An uppity salesperson is not only stressful to deal with, but they also can sway you into making a flooring decision that might not be right for your home or business. E Hardwoods & Flooring puts the power to make a decision back in the hands of the consumer. Only you can make the right choice in the end, as you know your needs best.
  • We eliminate the stress of hauling. Some stores require you to pick up your flooring in-store if it’s over a certain weight. This can be stressful, especially if you’re not used to hauling large pieces of freight. When you order with E Hardwoods & Flooring, in contrast, we’ll always have your product shipped to your door. With smaller orders, you won’t even have to be present at the time of delivery!
  • We save you time. Driving to the store and back costs valuable time and money, even if it’s only a short distance away. Moreover, larger stores can be tough to navigate with their countless aisles, and if the stock is messy, it’s even harder to find what you’re looking for! Online flooring stores, in contrast, make it easy to find what you need with just a click.


In Need of Luxury Vinyl Plank? Solid Hardwood? No Matter What, E Hardwoods & Flooring is Here to Help

Peruse our well-organized stock of flooring today, or contact us if you have questions. We’ll be happy to answer them!
